Presentation materials for BBC staff and external audiences, explaining the brand identities of the linear channels and defining the strategy for BBC Television.
Design and layout for a publication meant for both electronic and print distribution, with accompanying presentation materials and templates.
A presentation showing off the international iPlayer to UK industry professionals, and explaining how its performance and future differed from the public service offering.
A lighthearted, Christmas themed presentation to senior BBC executives, looking over the year's highlights in a humorous way.
The official website for the annual BBC event, inviting staff from across the corporation to see what is happening within Television.
Keynote conference presentation to journalists and media professionals, using audience research material to prove that dominant beliefs about new media are wildly overblown.
Video-based prototypes exploring the possibilities of internet-connected television sets, demonstrating the potentials and pitfalls of new technologies for the BBC.
Part of a set of materials to help promote and explain Project Canvas (now YouView) internally and externally.
Concept development for an experimental online project funded by the Department of Health, to bring together a variety of disability resources in an innovative way.
Concept development for an experimental online project funded by the Department of Health, to bring together a variety of disability resources in an innovative way.
Internal presentation identifying entertainment content as an essential but under-exploited component of the BBC's digital future.
Visual branding and graphics for a BBC conference bringing together creative talent, politicians and academics to discuss the representation of women in the media.
Visual branding and graphics for a BBC conference bringing together creative talent, politicians and academics to discuss the representation of women in the media.
Internal presentation explaining the technical processes in place to allow short-form video to be catalogued and reused on the BBC website.
Industry presentation explaining the importance of new media development for the BBC.
Visuals for an academic presentation to university students and journalists, examining the ways in which evolving audience behaviours require new approaches from broadcasters.
Internal presentation explaining the BBC's strategy to build permanent factual resources out of the rich (but impermanent) content of programmes.
A detailed look at the development of multiplatform services for BBC content, demonstrating the different approaches required for different genres and audience groups.
Film title graphics, poster, DVD packaging and promotional materials for a critically acclaimed short film.
Poster, DVD packaging and promotional materials for a short film starring Tom Felton and Imelda Staunton.